Παρασκευή 10 Ιουνίου 2016

Μπίλντερμπεργκ 2016 - Bilderberg 2016

της Χριστίνας Κοκκίνη
Ξεκινά σήμερα στη Δρέσδη η συνεδρίαση των μελών της λέσχης Μπίλντεμπεργκ. "Στις διασκέψεις της Λέσχης δεν ασχολούνται με τίποτα λιγότερο από τη διάσωση του κόσμου"γράφει σήμερα με μία ισχυρή δόση ειρωνίας η Ντόιτσε Βέλλε.
Ο πρώην Αμερικανός πρέσβης στη Γερμανία, Τζορτζ Μάκγκι, θυμάται ότι οι Συνθήκες της Ρώμης εγράφησαν ως επί το πλείστον σε διασκέψεις της Λέσχης Μπίλντερμπεργκ. Ο Ετιέν Νταβινιόν, επιχειρηματίας και επίτιμος πρόεδρος της Λέσχης, υποστηρίζει ότι ακόμη και το ευρώ κυοφορήθηκε εκεί. Όλα αυτά δίνουν τροφή για θεωρίες συνωμοσίας.
Ο κοινωνιολόγος των ΜΜΕ, Ρούντολφ Στούμπεργκερ, αποδίδει τάσεις νεοφεουδαρχισμού σ’ αυτήν την ελίτ. Ο Ολλανδός πολιτικός επιστήμων, Κις βαν ντερ Πιγλ, υποστηρίζει ότι τα συμφέροντα που εκπροσωπούνται εκεί έχουν ελάχιστα να κάνουν με τη δημοκρατία. «Διάγει την εβδομηκοστή δεκαετία και η δύναμη έλξης της Λέσχης παραμένει ισχυρή». Ο Βρετανός ηθοποιός Γιαν Ρίτσαρτσον, έγραψε το 2011 ότι οι σχέσεις αδελφότητας που αναπτύσσονται εκεί με τους ισχυρούς αυτού του κόσμου έχουν την επενέργεια ενός αφροδισιακού της ψυχής.
Ο ισχυρός υπουργός Οικονομικών είναι φέτος ανάμεσα στους προσκεκλημένους, όπως και η υπουργός Άμυνας Ούρζουλα φον ντερ Λάιεν και ο συνάδελφός της από το υπουργείο Εσωτερικών Τόμας ντε Μεζιέρ. Και οι τρεις δήλωσαν ότι θα συμμετέχουν στην τετραήμερη συνάντηση, που ξεκινά σήμερα στη Δρέσδη. Αντίθετα δεν θα έρθουν, αν και προσκλήθηκαν, η Άγκελα Μέρκελ, ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών Φρανκ Βάλτερ Σταινμάιερ και ο αντικαγκελάριος Ζίγκμαρ Γκάμπριελ.
Η Λέσχη Μπίλντερμπεργκ έχει αυστηρούς κανόνες. Οι συμμετέχοντες δεσμεύονται σε απόλυτη μυστικότητα σε ό,τι αφορά τα θέματα των συζητήσεων και το περιεχόμενο των ομιλιών. Αντίθετα, διοργανωτές και προσκεκλημένοι επιχειρηματολογούν ότι είναι μια σπάνια ευκαιρία να γίνονται τόσο ανοιχτές συζητήσεις με παγκόσμιους παίκτες. Αν και στις συναντήσεις συμμετέχουν ευκαιριακά και δημοσιογράφοι, γενικά εκπρόσωποι των ΜΜΕ δεν είναι παρόντες.
Στην 64η συνάντηση της λέσχης Μπίλντεμπεργκ θα συμμετέχουν 125 άτομα από 20 χώρες, ανάμεσά τους και τρεις Έλληνες: 
  • Μητσοτάκης Κυριάκος, Πρόεδρος της ΝΔ 
  • Λογοθέτης Γιώργος, Πρόεδρος και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της  Libra Group
  • Παπαλεξόπουλος Δημήτρης, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Τιτάν
Εκτός των τριών, το παρόν στη συνεδρίαση δίνουν δύο πρωθυπουργοί, 4 ΥΠΟΙΚ, ο πρώην ΥΠΕΞ των ΗΠΑ Χένρι Κίσινγκερ, η επικεφαλής του ΔΝΤ Κριστίν Λαγκάρντ, ο αντιπρόεδρος της Κομισιόν Φρανς Τίμερμανς, ο πρώην πρόεδρος της Ευρωπαϊκής επιτροπής Μανουέλ Μπαρόζο, αλλά και πρώην επικεφαλής της CIA και της βρετανικής MI6.
Οπως κάθε χρόνο έτσι και φέτος μια ομάδα πολιτικών ηγετών και ανθρώπων από τη βιομηχανία, τον τραπεζικό τομέα, την ακαδημαϊκή κοινότητα και τα ΜΜΕ έχουν προσκληθεί προκειμένου να συμμετάσχουν στις συζητήσεις που θα γίνουν κατά το τριήμερο 9 με 12 Ιουνίου πάνω σε θέματα όπως η Κίνα, η Ευρώπη (μετανάστευση, ανάπτυξη, μεταρρύθμιση, όραμα, ενότητα), η Μέση Ανατολή, η Ρωσία, το πολιτικό τοπίο στις ΗΠΑ αλλά και η οικονομία τους (ανάπτυξη, χρέος, μεταρρυθμίσεις), ασφάλεια στο Ιντερνετ, Γεωπολιτική της ενέργειας και του εμπορίου, ανασφάλεια και μεσαία τάξη και τεχνολογικές καινοτομίες. 
Η τελική λίστα των συμμετεχόντων, όπως αυτή έχει αναρτηθεί στη σελίδα της λέσχης, bilderbergmeetings.org, έχει ως εξής:
  1. Castries, Henri de (FRA), Chairman and CEO, AXA Group
  2. Aboutaleb, Ahmed (NLD), Mayor, City of Rotterdam
  3. Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG
  4. Agius, Marcus (GBR), Chairman, PA Consulting Group
  5. Ahrenkiel, Thomas (DNK), Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence
  6. Albuquerque, Maria Luís (PRT), Former Minister of Finance; MP, Social Democratic Party
  7. Alierta, César (ESP), Executive Chairman and CEO, Telefónica
  8. Altman, Roger C. (USA), Executive Chairman, Evercore
  9. Altman, Sam (USA), President, Y Combinator
  10. Andersson, Magdalena (SWE), Minister of Finance
  11. Applebaum, Anne (USA), Columnist Washington Post; Director of the Transitions Forum, Legatum Institute
  12. Apunen, Matti (FIN), Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA
  13. Aydin-Düzgit, Senem (TUR), Associate Professor and Jean Monnet Chair, Istanbul Bilgi University
  14. Barbizet, Patricia (FRA), CEO, Artemis
  15. Barroso, José M. Durão (PRT), Former President of the European Commission
  16. Baverez, Nicolas (FRA), Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
  17. Bengio, Yoshua (CAN), Professor in Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal
  18. Benko, René (AUT), Founder and Chairman of the Advisory Board, SIGNA Holding GmbH
  19. Bernabè, Franco (ITA), Chairman, CartaSi S.p.A.
  20. Beurden, Ben van (NLD), CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc
  21. Blanchard, Olivier (FRA), Fred Bergsten Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute
  22. Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Executive Chairman, Banco Santander
  23. Brandtzæg, Svein Richard (NOR), President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA
  24. Breedlove, Philip M. (INT), Former Supreme Allied Commander Europe
  25. Brende, Børge (NOR), Minister of Foreign Affairs
  26. Burns, William J. (USA), President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  27. Cebrián, Juan Luis (ESP), Executive Chairman, PRISA and El País
  28. Charpentier, Emmanuelle (FRA), Director, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology
  29. Coeuré, Benoît (INT), Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank
  30. Costamagna, Claudio (ITA), Chairman, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A.
  31. Cote, David M. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Honeywell
  32. Cryan, John (DEU), CEO, Deutsche Bank AG
  33. Dassù, Marta (ITA), Senior Director, European Affairs, Aspen Institute
  34. Dijksma, Sharon A.M. (NLD), Minister for the Environment
  35. Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), CEO, Axel Springer SE
  36. Dyvig, Christian (DNK), Chairman, Kompan
  37. Ebeling, Thomas (DEU), CEO, ProSiebenSat.1
  38. Elkann, John (ITA), Chairman and CEO, EXOR; Chairman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
  39. Enders, Thomas (DEU), CEO, Airbus Group
  40. Engel, Richard (USA), Chief Foreign Correspondent, NBC News
  41. Fabius, Laurent (FRA), President, Constitutional Council
  42. Federspiel, Ulrik (DNK), Group Executive, Haldor Topsøe A/S
  43. Ferguson, Jr., Roger W. (USA), President and CEO, TIAA
  44. Ferguson, Niall (USA), Professor of History, Harvard University
  45. Flint, Douglas J. (GBR), Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc
  46. Garicano, Luis (ESP), Professor of Economics, LSE; Senior Advisor to Ciudadanos
  47. Georgieva, Kristalina (INT), Vice President, European Commission
  48. Gernelle, Etienne (FRA), Editorial Director, Le Point
  49. Gomes da Silva, Carlos (PRT), Vice Chairman and CEO, Galp Energia
  50. Goodman, Helen (GBR), MP, Labour Party
  51. Goulard, Sylvie (INT), Member of the European Parliament
  52. Graham, Lindsey (USA), Senator
  53. Grillo, Ulrich (DEU), Chairman, Grillo-Werke AG; President, Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
  54. Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor “Otto e mezzo”, La7 TV
  55. Hadfield, Chris (CAN), Colonel, Astronaut
  56. Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Professor of Economics, Leiden University
  57. Harding, Dido (GBR), CEO, TalkTalk Telecom Group plc
  58. Hassabis, Demis (GBR), Co-Founder and CEO, DeepMind
  59. Hobson, Mellody (USA), President, Ariel Investment, LLC
  60. Hoffman, Reid (USA), Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn
  61. Höttges, Timotheus (DEU), CEO, Deutsche Telekom AG
  62. Jacobs, Kenneth M. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Lazard
  63. Jäkel, Julia (DEU), CEO, Gruner + Jahr
  64. Johnson, James A. (USA), Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners
  65. Jonsson, Conni (SWE), Founder and Chairman, EQT
  66. Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. (USA), Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
  67. Kaeser, Joe (DEU), President and CEO, Siemens AG
  68. Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies
  69. Kengeter, Carsten (DEU), CEO, Deutsche Börse AG
  70. Kerr, John (GBR), Deputy Chairman, Scottish Power
  71. Kherbache, Yasmine (BEL), MP, Flemish Parliament
  72. Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
  73. Kleinfeld, Klaus (USA), Chairman and CEO, Alcoa
  74. Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
  75. Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
  76. Kudelski, André (CHE), Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group
  77. Lagarde, Christine (INT), Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
  78. Levin, Richard (USA), CEO, Coursera
  79. Leyen, Ursula von der (DEU), Minister of Defence
  80. Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chairman, KBC Group
  81. Logothetis, George (GRC), Chairman and CEO, Libra Group
  82. Maizière, Thomas de (DEU), Minister of the Interior, Federal Ministry of the Interior
  83. Makan, Divesh (USA), CEO, ICONIQ Capital
  84. Malcomson, Scott (USA), Author; President, Monere Ltd.
  85. Markwalder, Christa (CHE), President of the National Council and the Federal Assembly
  86. McArdle, Megan (USA), Columnist, Bloomberg View
  87. Michel, Charles (BEL), Prime Minister
  88. Micklethwait, John (USA), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP
  89. Minton Beddoes, Zanny (GBR), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
  90. Mitsotakis, Kyriakos (GRC), President, New Democracy Party
  91. Morneau, Bill (CAN), Minister of Finance
  92. Mundie, Craig J. (USA), Principal, Mundie & Associates
  93. Murray, Charles A. (USA), W.H. Brady Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
  94. Netherlands, H.M. the King of the (NLD)
  95. Noonan, Michael (IRL), Minister for Finance
  96. Noonan, Peggy (USA), Author, Columnist, The Wall Street Journal
  97. O'Leary, Michael (IRL), CEO, Ryanair Plc
  98. Ollongren, Kajsa (NLD), Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam
  99. Özel, Soli (TUR), Professor, Kadir Has University
  100. Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), CEO, Titan Cement Co.
  101. Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chairman, KKR Global Institute
  102. Philippe, Edouard (FRA), Mayor of Le Havre
  103. Pind, Søren (DNK), Minister of Justice
  104. Ratti, Carlo (ITA), Director, MIT Senseable City Lab
  105. Reisman, Heather M. (CAN), Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.
  106. Rutte, Mark (NLD), Prime Minister
  107. Sawers, John (GBR), Chairman and Partner, Macro Advisory Partners
  108. Schäuble, Wolfgang (DEU), Minister of Finance
  109. Schieder, Andreas (AUT), Chairman, Social Democratic Group
  110. Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Executive Chairman, Alphabet Inc.
  111. Scholten, Rudolf (AUT), CEO, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
  112. Schwab, Klaus (INT), Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum
  113. Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), Senior Fellow, Harvard University; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
  114. Simsek, Mehmet (TUR), Deputy Prime Minister
  115. Sinn, Hans-Werner (DEU), Professor for Economics and Public Finance, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  116. Skogen Lund, Kristin (NOR), Director General, The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise
  117. Standing, Guy (GBR), Co-President, BIEN; Research Professor, University of London
  118. Svanberg, Carl-Henric (SWE), Chairman, BP plc and AB Volvo
  119. Thiel, Peter A. (USA), President, Thiel Capital
  120. Tillich, Stanislaw (DEU), Minister-President of Saxony
  121. Vetterli, Martin (CHE), President, NSF
  122. Wahlroos, Björn (FIN), Chairman, Sampo Group, Nordea Bank, UPM-Kymmene Corporation
  123. Wallenberg, Jacob (SWE), Chairman, Investor AB
  124. Weder di Mauro, Beatrice (CHE), Professor of Economics, University of Mainz
  125. Wolf, Martin H. (GBR), Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times

Bilderberg group meeting: What actually happens at the world’s most secretive gathering of global elites, and who is attending?

The list of the rich and powerful attending this year's Bilderberg Conference has been released - it includes bankers, prime ministers and former heads of the CIA and MI6
Welcome to the 64th Bilderberg Conference. 
Rich and powerful bankers, prime ministers and former heads of the CIA and MI6 are about to join other members of the global elite for arguably the world’s most high-powered but secretive annual meeting which this year is being held in Dresden.
What is the Bilderberg Group?
By their own admission, those organising theBilderberg meetings have “never sought any public attention”, while always denying conspiracy theories that they are a global ruling class that can start wars and decide who becomes the next US President. They just refer to it as forum for informal discussions about the world's "megatrends" and a chance for participants to "reflect and gather insights".
The Bilderberg organisers have, though, just released a list those who will be present from June 9-12 for a three-day meeting chaired by a French count (and chairman of the global insurance giant AXA), who likes to spend his weekends at his castle in Anjou.    
Among 126 participants discussing an agenda that – we are also told – will include China, Europe, migration, the Middle East, Russia and the “geo-politics of energy and commodity prices”, will be Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, and Jose Manuel Barroso, the former president of the European Commission.
Unlike last year, British Chancellor George Osborne will not be present.  Although Michael O’Leary, the controversial CEO of Ryanair will.
It might also be worth paying attention to the future fortunes of attendees who  seem obscure.  Bill Clinton was a conference attendee in 1991, as a mere governor of Arkansas, a year before he was elected US President.  Tony Blair was only a shadow minister when he got his invitation – (you can’t apply to attend, you must be invited) – in 1993.  Conference organisers have previously insisted there is no conspiracy to crowbar their chosen people into top jobs, they just have excellent talent spotters.
But for now, the more eye-catching Bilderberg attendees due to be rubbing shoulders with senior representatives of Deutsche Bank, the European Central Bank and Lazard – as well as oil giants Shell and BP - will be:

Henri de Castries

(Getty Images)
When he is not at his home on the Boulevard Saint-Germain, on Paris’ left bank, Henri de Castries, who will be the chairman of the 2016 Bilderberg Conference, can, according to the left-leaning French newspaper Libération, often be found relaxing in his castle in rural Anjou.
Libération described the 61-year-old fifth Count of Castries as a “highbrow” member of a family whose ancestors fought in the Crusades in the 11th and 13th Century.
Continuing the military tradition, his father Comte François de La Croix de Castries reportedly served as a soldier in Korea – as well as the more controversial colonial theatres of French Indochina and Algeria. 
The Bilderberg Conference chairman, however, chose a civilian career, attending the École Nationale d'Administration, (ENA) the ‘Grande École’ often regarded as a factory for producing future French prime ministers and presidents including Jacques Chirac, Francois Hollande and Alain Juppé – (who was listed as an attendee at last year’s Bilderberg Conference.)
After ENA, Mr de Castries audited on behalf of the Minister of Finances of France and became a member of the French Treasury in 1984, where he participated in the privatisations initiated by the Chirac government.
He joined AXA in 1989 and in May 2000 he became chairman and chief executive of the Paris-based global insurance group, which is thought to have assets of 552 billion euros (£430 billion.)

Sir John Sawers

Sir John is listed by the Bilderberg organisers as “Chairman and Partner, Macro Advisory Partners”, a consultancy that according to its website provides corporations and governments with “strategic insights to navigate the intersection of global markets, geopolitics and government policy.”
Sir John is also a former head of the Secret Intelligence Service MI6. Prior to heading MI6 between 2009 and 2014, Sir John was Foreign Policy Advisor to Tony Blair from 1999 to 2001 and Political Director of the Foreign Office (2003-7).  
He also spent three months in Baghdad in 2003 as Britain’s Special Representative to Iraq, helping to establish the country’s transitional government after the invasion.
In May 2015 the oil and gas giant BP appointed Sir John to its board – on what was reported to have been a £90,000 salary.
It was thought he had been brought in to help BP deal with difficult political environments in some of the countries in which it operated.
BP’s chairman, Carl-Henric Svanberg, said Sir John “brings extensive experience of international affairs and geopolitics”.
BP will also be represented at the Bilderberg meeting by Robert Dudley, its group chief executive.

David Petraeus

(Getty Images)
Listed on the Bilderberg website as “Chairman, KKR Global Institute”, Mr Petraeus is also a former director of the CIA.
Appointed by Geroge W Bush as the general commanding the multinational force in Iraq in 2007, he orchestrated what became known as ‘the surge’, bringing in 30,000 more troops to the country in a move which appeared to quell the insurgency there.
An expert in counter-insurgency, he was made director of the CIA by Barack Obama in 2011.  He resigned, however, in November 2012 after it was reported that he had had an affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell.

James A Johnson

He’s listed by the Bilderberg organisers as “Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners.”  
He also happens to be a long-serving Goldman Sachs board member who has been called “Washington DC’s Medici” – a reference to Italy’s Medici family, the so-called “Godfathers of the Renaissance” who produced three popes, prospered in banking and sponsored the arts.
In 2008 it was reported that Mr Johnson was vetting Barack Obama’s potential vice-presidential candidates, as he had chosen running mates for Walter Mondale in 1984, and John Kerry in 2004.
As well as setting up a commercial strategy consultancy with former US Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke, Mr Johnson, 72, served as chairman and chief executive to the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) between 1991 and 1998.
His salary was reported to have been $21 million (£14.5 million) by the time he left Fannie Mae – ten years before, at the height of the global economic crisis of 2008, it had to be taken over by the US government.
Atlantic Magazine once described Mr Johnson as “famously reluctant to talk to the Press, which is one reason why he has become a trusted advisor to so many politicians.”

Cartsen Kengeter

As the CEO of the Deutsche Börse, Mr Kengeter will become a leading figure in one of the most important financial institutions in the world when the merger between the Börse and the London Stock Exchange is completed at the end of this year or in early 2017.
With the London Stock Exchange Group already owning the Milan-based Borsa Italia, the planned merger – announced in February - will create one of the world’s largest exchange companies with a combined value thought to be in the region of £21 billion.
Deutsche Börse shareholders will own 54.4 per cent of the new holding company UK TopCo.   Reporting on the merger, The Financial Times described it as evidence of “an ambitious expansion strategy” devised by Mr Kengeter, a 49-year-old the newspaper described as “a starkly ambitious former Goldman Sachs banker who pursues extreme skiing in his spare time.”

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