Τρίτη 18 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Develop your ESP and TELEPATHY powers.

Soothing relaxing clip for more meditation, world peace visualizations, healing, telepathy, prayer, etc. Below is a list of habits that are hypothesized to help develop telepathy and ESP. :)

1. ultra peaceful music (avoid music that is upbeat and only listen to peaceful one to counteract the extreme violence in world music, movies, literature, speech, society, tv, radio) in one's surroundings to neutralize the ultra-violent general thought patterns of present day humanity which naturally contaminate us as we live in this world. If you are already peaceful, no music is needed, but what i mean is if you ever listen to music, choose peaceful meditative ones, if you want to develop ESP faster and become more compassionate and empathic. A restless person often manages to piss everyone off. lol :)

2. Gentleness (as in the humblest, least knowing (not knowing, gentleness never knows anything, it always learns), non-assuming most tender softest most feminine most nurturing most peaceful energy and approach) in thoughts, feelings and actions - and also in words. We forget this so much, i do all the time. lol. Ultra gentle speech (this is VERY hard to do, as we are not used to it) - very feminine and full of loving kindness and seeing the person we talk to as the immortal soul they are...:) a shapeshifting Lightbeing just like we see spirits in astral. This one is extremely difficult to practice for people who lose their cool at times, since the moment we raise our voice we completely lose the capacity to be a good telepath for a while - since anger doesn't radiate compassion and kindness and naturally, no strong spiritual ability emerges if we are not kind to all beings - since spiritual ability is based on tuning into the unified field thru being nice to all. :) We see the violent tone of voice in movies and hear it from peers or parents and this brainwashes us to imitate it in our vain attempt to communicate our frustration. But we can change it. I am far from practicing this, but this is what is needed. :)

3. tranquility - remember to calm down when the environment is causing the old "reactive and non-gentle" patterns to return - and if needed, you can wear earphones with peaceful music while going shopping, etc - as it will help a faster de-brainwashing of subconscious mind from aggressiveness.

4. avoid alcohol, overeating (try the telepathy synesthesia food blessing smelling technique athttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/KjRMSeJ973tif overweight), improper food combining (explained athttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/Vw36T29vs4t), eating without blessing the food/water (explained athttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/hxPPFg1D4yt) by asking the Light to change it astrally, coffee (https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/Ke8yaCj5MFh, coffee can cause jammed telepathy, miscarriage, screwing the baby's brain neurochemistry), smoking (see a science backed explanation of how bad smoking is for pregnant moms and conceiving dads for example athttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/QPjMTwaD1hr due to uptake of oxygen), meat (at least avoid eating a lot of meat or just eat fish, since fish is healthier anyway), drugs and be kind-gentle-nurturing-helpful to all beings:), respect their space, beliefs, understanding and free will - just like a mom does with her half year old infant. :)Also, avoid any dairy coming from factory farms, as the pain in the animals is energetically transmitted into the milk-cheese-eggs and distorts psychic perceptions and hinders them. Only loving kindness for all beings perceives clearly, so when we become the pain we no longer see things clearly. :) Ideally, a vegan diet is best, :), as long as you get omega 3 fatty acids and DHA-EPA and vitamin B12. :) The one thing many have noticed is that 100% raw vegan diet always leads to higher ESP, if it is organic (provided that it is the same exact time it stays on shelves, otherwise, conventional can have more biophotons if it's fresher). Organic produce has 5 times more biophotons than conventional produce (for details seehttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/1e7bYQEWmsa), so eating 50% raw and organic leads to getting 2.5 more biophotons than 100% raw conventional produce diet - provided it's really organic fresh, not organic sitting there 4 times longer than conventional. But i know that's ultra difficult in some countries and areas of the planet. 79% of US vegans are women and women outlive men ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/dTLXiiTPdq4. 95% of people over 110 are female.

5. Whisper now and then when talking - as it creates an even gentler connection with the astral body and an astral brain-physical brain resonance and circuit with the heart-throat chakras - if accompanied by loving kindness-gentleness and enhances the telepathy cortex (analog of visual cortex). This means whispering instead of talking (with family and friends) and very low volume (almost like semi whispering or borderline talking-whispering) gentle soft healing feminine talking when we need to talk to strangers and others who are not into whispering. It activates the astral brain centers responsible for reshaping physical brain so that the brain is being morphed into a telepathic one, physically and astrally telepathic, spirit-spirit, spirit-physical telepathy. This also allows us to hear spirits more often, because when we speak loud, we generate physical noise that is far bigger than the spirit whispers that sometimes become almost audible.

6. energy exercises of radiating out (exteriorization of your energies) love-peace-joy and absorption (interiorization of energies in higher dimensions of universal compassion around you for example) as those taught by iacworld.org and other places - or moving energy from third eye to crown chakra in a loop ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/WPEANp1fm4For the crown infusion with cosmic energy ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/fkT64qF4hKm or breathing in and out the light of universal peace ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/9LvMY9pGsoV.

7. being a very good listener (this one is ultra hard to practice, the hardest of all) - speaking when asked only. :) This 7th one is something only the most advanced beings can do, :), as it requires a mind blowing self-control. :) One thing that helped me with this thing was all of a sudden going to a place first time in years and leading to some consciousness shift and speaking less than ever ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/F4hcPJ4Gjeg, although it's not clear if there is correlation or causation, i.e. if several factors, including that, led to the deeper silence or just that one thing (could have been another, perhaps, nothing is certain) that brought into focus the far higher importance of thoughts (and the totally insignificant importance of speech).

8. When you look at things, people, surroundings, be gentle and sweet, be relaxed, almost like shifting to peripheral vision sometimes, as this activates some of the mechanisms that foster natural astral and physical telepathy. Fill your gaze with universal gentle compassion for all beings and bless people with rays of light and healing compassion-kindness from the zero point energy field ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/Z4hfcA3VjiB

9. Telepathy thru Walking/Moving in Gentle Kind Soothing Soft Ways, As If Shifting into another world of tender grace and celestial music. Most people would agree that walking gently decreases the likelihood of tripping and becoming all hurried, stressed, unable to hear the gentle verbal or non-verbal telepathic whispers from refined spirits who want to help us bring a better world, etc. :) ♥ For maximum effect, it is naturally better to extend this Gentle Tender Kind Walking style to more of our activities - chores, shopping, computer work style, driving style, action style. Tao Te Ching says "Rushing into action you fail" and "the sage breathes like a babe, unifying the inner and outer worlds", the Inner World of TELEPATHY and the Outer World of ACTION. The breathing or awareness of gentleness can be two of the many tools in remaining calmer, gentler at all times than we have been so far - better decisions are taken, better understanding of TELEPATHY happens, when we are gentle tender soft, not just in a 20 minute daily walk, but 24-7 - remaining centered, serene and at peace like the sage at all times. :)

Walking meditation or moving meditation (24-7 meditation, doing it at all times, while doing chores, shopping, etc) is the Moving Stillness and Still Movement of Tao Te Ching in a way, it is like tai chi and qi gong in some ways. Qi Gong means Energy (Qi) Cultivation (Gong). Tai Chi means Tai (Supreme or Great) Ji (Ultimate), but it's more complex than that. Tai Ji character is explained more athttp://richardleirer.org/the-ideogram-for-tai-chi-and-the-true-hidden-meaning-of-the-characters/. Tai is made of 3 characters or 3 words meaning one centered person (a goal of Tao Te Ching is to become more like the sage of Lao Tze, or Proverbs in the Bible, so tai ji can be translated (one of the infinite ways to do so) as becoming that one centered in the TAO person, centered in God, Telepathy, ESP, zero point energy). Tao Te Ching explains well the basis of harmony with God-Tao, which is yin within yang, stillness within movement, moving within stillness, the way of water, still movement - not a rushed energy like the one that perpetuates eternal war on Earth due to over-yang unbalanced macho energy that represses almost anything feminine and makes telepathically listening to serene spirits far harder. Femininity (gentleness, softness, kindness, silence, receptivity, listening, nurturing, acting in a trance state in a yin-yang manner, intuition) in the Tao Te Ching context has nothing to do with biological gender, a male can be 100 times more feminine than a female. :)

Walking meditation is supposed to be ultra slow. That's how we develop true brain center synchronization and prevent brain aging, that's the principle of a lot of longevity techniques, visualization, breathing, walking, awareness all done at once - instead of just focusing on physical movement of muscles (one brain center). The qi gong teacher (http://yanxinqigong.net/) whose papers showed his qi emissions killed cancer cells, not healthy cells explains this well. 3 of his papers are below. Hundreds of papers have been published in science journals about the ability of qi to heal many conditions. Here are 3 papers about qi destroying cancer cells:

1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16893670
2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23363659
3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22160803

Preliminary research shows that qi emissions are accompanied by medium IR waves of the 3-5 micron wavelength ►http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1767800. This is why some European hospitals have used IR mats that generate medium IR waves to heal many conditions for about a century ► goo.gl/RIKwM. IR waves were discovered in 1800 by Sir Frederick William Herschel (he also discovered Uranus in 1781). For more Qi Miracles, see this mind blowing Japanese qi guy ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/hwSVNFrnGMH(the post has a lot more qi mind blowing things from other people too, from China, Indonesia, all countries almost have some unique healers).

All these healers walk slowly. It helps to tap into the zero point energy field and become a World Peace instrument, instead of something else or the opposite (restlessness instrument). :) Proverbs 11:27 says "Anyone can find dirt in someone. Be the one who finds gold" or in other translations "He who diligently seeks good seeks favor, but he who searches after evil, it shall come to him." i.e. the universe mirrors back to us that which we seek out in others and in our immediate universe. (see more athttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/85VBxcEvd3W) I.e. if we seek and acknowledge that we are surrounded by Divine Compassion and walking on the streets and things made of subatomic strings of universal compassion, that we are surrounded by the Ever Present Radiant Magnificent Love of God 24-7 as in the Thought "God's Love is always around me", we are seeking more of that Love, we are Thanking that Altruistic Agape Selfless Love, we are magnifying that Kindness-Love and we call out that Infinite Mercy-Compassion-Forgiveness to fill us and help us become an instrument of World Peace and Healing instead of an instrument of conflict, we are merging with the Sea of Healing Vibes of God's Everlasting Compassion. :) Walk and Feel in our aura, in our ovoid so to speak, that Divine Compassion is surrounding us, that God's Love is pouring into our tiny bubble and that it transforms our emotions and thoughts into expressions of gentle tender soft kindness, another method could be each time our feet touch the ground, as we walk, we thank God for the love as we are levitating on the ocean of Sparkling Shimmering Light of Mercy, and we can recall words like "tender", "soft", "gentle" with each time we touch the ground, or whatever quality feels like we are perhaps more in need of, be it "gratitude" etc, so as to create a more balanced "astral potential" which may cause a synchronization leading in theory to a lift off of potential and anti-gravitic effects as explained in more detail athttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/aJWzhso16XV. Chapter 78 of Tao Te Ching talks about the Way of Water, how thru its gentleness it overcomes the rock, how the gentlest thing overcomes the hardest thing in the world. By way of analogy, if water is time, and rock is gravity, as water grinds at the rock and finishes it, time shifting grinds at gravity and cancels it, hence the hypothesis of levitation thru this walking as being, at least in theory, possible. Gently, as shifting into the doorway to the bright elysian Heavenly dimension, the time slows down as in NDE, 3 minutes seem like 3 weeks, and time (as water) has "time" to grind at gravity thru understanding of how this may actually work. When we walk, hard to explain in words, but we walk as if we alternate magnetic and electric field poles, whatever it means will be evident to those meant to understand, since I have no clue what it means, I assume spirits only reveal knowledge to whoever they choose. And - perhaps - if this is more than a metaphor to help us develop pure telepathy but also a clue to develop levitation - as we glide on the cosmic ley lines that intersect the Earth dimensionally thru some form of "bilocative projection to the point of intersection", we slowly connect with a deeper peace and slowly raise the astral potential of the feet perhaps, but more importantly (since this may just be nonsense to many), we just become more centered in the universal grid of eternal grace and inner peace, the peace that passes all understanding so to speak. :)

Walking slowly also makes far less noise, as you softly touch the ground as if it's holy ground made of soft sapphires and rubies, holy ground made of soft universal kindness, the love of God itself in matter stone asphalt form, that you don't want to damage, being too immensely beautiful. Walking prayer or walking meditation is good, we sit too much these days, and one can do prayers and spiritual communions too, as valuable as going to a church when done really well, as per many saints. Luke 17:21"the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:20 "Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, "The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed,".Often times walking alone is better, as one gets more precise telepathy, than when walking with someone who doesn't want or cannot think non-stop about God, pray, think about gentle tender world peace, and the telepathy habits and gentle walking technique for invisibility, levitation, teleportation. Keep the company of sages, not of worldly people, Satsang called in India. :) So, because the fragrance and astral sound of a person is knowable on a higher level of consciousness, etheric fragrance of harmonics (not smell, hard to explain), it's often better to walk alone when such person is not really aligned hourly with a burning desire to be a world peace angel. Out of charity and compassion, one can walk with certain people, but one should always make separate walks too... this is a serious exercise of feet astral potential change and discovery. :) Just because we don't understand doesn't make it unreal. We didn't understand electricity before... centuries ago, it was still real. Astral potential may be very real too.

Rushing creates restless energy and ultimately harms us (just like the we trip and hurt ourselves as kids or adults when rushing), not because of tripping, but also due to the hyper-restlessness creating more unpeaceful emotions that lead to conflict in relationships or with other nations as a result of mass consciousness emotional fields being too "restlessness filled".

The holistic approach leads to more whole brain functioning and more inner peace. I am a much more into "gentle walking" now person than ever before, due to noticing some amazing things happening during meditation walking :) The world is probably at war also because everyone is so obsessed with physical fitness and spiritual fitness is non-existent during "exercising or walking". This comes from perceiving matter as separate, when it is strings of energy that can be shifted across dimensions perhaps.

Just like rock and restless music blocks telepathy, fast exercising and walking also blocks telepathy from its best development. This is a new hypothesis: fast walking irritates the calm serene soul center that connects us with empathetic compassion and the zero point energy field. When we are rushed in life in general we cannot see the subtle at all, nor take time to observe the stuff that is barely perceptible and hardest to see. :)

When we exercise, or walk, or do qi gong or yoga or stretch, we can bring the softness gentleness and ethereal quality, as when we are shifting inter-dimensionally from one world to the other, like in astral travel or like in those movies when matter body becomes spirit, we try to eliminate the boundaries, thru harmony, so as to better meld the astral physical brains into the patterns of zero point energy field and the very telepathic people and spirits. We can imagine as if we are walking on a sea of sweet gentler tender soft divine energy and everything we touch is made of blessed divine energy, sometimes we may even merge with another dimension temporarily after decades of practice, or develop 360 vision while in the body, thru astral awakening and unity with the field. When we walk, imagine we are walking on a shimmering sea of boundless compassion (you can even see it as purple or pink or lavender if you wish) and that with every step we are creating ripples that affect the whole sea, the whole universe, every human being, so that we can transmute each step into a movement of grace that radiates loving kindness and healing gentleness into this sea of energy, this shimmering sparkling energy we call ground (which appears solid, but is pure energy), and we create that lovely healing music, when we walk, if we pay attention, we may even hear vibrations and the music as in the spirit worlds when everything has a music, life, light of its own, the ground we walk on, etc. So, this is a technique to bring awareness to what we are creating, what quality of energy are we sending to Earth when we walk, to the whole collective of all beings, this can make us much better at radiating peace and compassionate forgiving kindness to all living beings, while we simply walk for developing better telepathy. Each time we touch the ground, there is an astral sound, and how is it? It is loving, harmonious, orderly, healing or is it chaos and disharmony generating? We try to listen to the astral sound, and we will get feedback from spirits about how to attune our energy transmissions. This walk - of shifting and singing thru vibrations and patterns we imprint on the sea of universal consciousness - may even lead to teleportation once in a lifetime too, but it will help a lot with telepathy. One way to better conceive and feel what I am trying to say is this: when we walk, we walk on the shimmering sea of boundless energy, we are held by the ground, by the zero point field, by God's Love or Tao or whatever you use for that Infinite Eternal Mystery, we are held in an embrace by the ground who fills us with all the serenity-affection-love we could imagine. Similarly, when we walk thru the air, we walk thru the love in the air, we walk thru this sea of limitless compassion-kindness-sweetness that holds us, hugs us, embraces us, and helps us to shift into a state of deeper oneness with the field. :) This enables us to be a mini-sea of affection so to speak - instead of seeking affection. We become more of a geyser of universal patience and compassion, of subtle affection for anyone who may run into us - thru the action of the energy around us (affection without touching anyone, just being around us) - even if we don't try to love anyone or tell them anything - by us being in the field, we are helping others reach peace too, which is what people seek ultimately - inner peace. This therapeutic energy can even turn hate into compassion, enemy into friend, etc. This can be applied to any movement, including when touching the phone screen, the keyboard, are we touching it and emitting loving kindness, do we fill the dishes we wash, the counter we wipe, the keyboard we type on, the door knob we touch with universal nurturing compassion and gentleness? This method may be used on other planets to develop spiritual abilities. Of course, only an angelic being can get them as the process is one of inner transformation into an angelic being so to speak. This idea can also be applied to any chore, activity, even to simple things like opening mail, writing a check, writing a note somewhere on a letter or address on an envelope, etc. :) As we move the pen or finger gently tenderly softly on a phone typing a text or a keyboard or an envelope etc, we shift it into another dimension so to speak and activate the brain center for telepathy and begin to connect with the pre-birth memories that provide new clues into telepathy. :)

10. *Telepathy thru Smiling and Gentle Universally Kind Benevolent Compassionate Gaze :). Smiling Benefits are explained scientifically at the end of this 10th Habit section, with several studies on Longevity. Women smile more than men and they outlive men.

To Smile is make a real effort to evolve our Telepathy, Our Feelings, To Speak Less (since we smile), To THINK MORE since we speak less, TO FEEL MORE AND BLESS OTHERS MORE as we speak less. To smile is to kindly and gently make a selfless real effort to change the vibration of our soul for the sake of humanity, to smile is a real effort to break with the less rosy past of humanity and create a new marvelous future:), to smile is to practice Evolving or Evolutive Telepathy (Telepathy Habit # 17 below detailed athttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/euMc4azzaoN), to *remember to practice T.H.I.N.K. (before speaking, THINK, is it T.rue, H.elpful, I.nspiring, N.ecessary, K.ind), to remember to never get angry and remain calm and cheerful in all circumstances, to always see the gold in everyone (not the dirt, as explained in the Telepathy Habit # 9 above, Walking Gently).

To Smile is to SHIFT from Verbal language to Trans-linguistic TELEPATHY Mode easier, to activate new neural pathways, to express one's radiant optimism in the Magnificent Future of Humanity we can bring, such as World Peace in 2040 (just like with Climate Agreements, see how easy is to achieve Peace if people really want to create Peace Departments and really BELIEVE PEACE IS POSSIBLE ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/1QxL27Pq9BE).

To Smile is to Change Everything Around our World, since Changing one's Thoughts changes everything in the World, everything in our civilization being born of thoughts, plans, ideas, visions, feelings. :) To smile is to evolve Telepathy faster thru the simple elevation of our vibrations and energies and thoughts to more easily align and couple energetically with the Thoughts, Energies and Feelings of the Evolved Spirits, Guides, Beings, Angels, whatever name you prefer, who want to help us to Bring World Peace, True Scientific Progress and Heaven on Earth. Having seen the NDE Light-Love-Joy and the Immense Beauty of higher heavenly realms, these spirits function on a different mindset than ours and see reality in a far less constricted way than we can locked in the body (with its issues, problems and ways to distract us from the resplendent beauty of the spirit) and in the cultural, linguistic, emotional conditioning of millennia of war.

Smiling makes sense, because EVERYONE IS A GENIUS at something (even if not the most important or uplifting thing, but every piece of knowledge can be useful in bringing progress and world peace) and we are surrounded by geniuseshttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/R8Ld5gG8x6r.Smiling is at times extremely difficult, but it is one of the simplest and most powerful ways to change the course of history, all free, no money needed. Kids smile a lot more than adults and have such a healing effect on adults (the kids and people who smile are also trusted more); in the same way, the person who can break the old habits and smile more can become a powerful telepathic healer of others around him, by evolving his/her thought-feeling patterns daily to a higher vibe.

To smile is to acknowledge God's Infinite Eternal Love (if you are atheist, you can think of it as the Universe's Love) and God's Presence 24-7 in our lives, to Thank God for flooding us with this Infinite Eternal Grace, to tune into the zero point energy field of Unlimited Compassion and Grace to bring a better future, to see the Gold (not dirt) in All, to Be Optimistic and Contagiously Inspire All to Dream of that Future of World Peace and Harmony, with no killings, no natural disaster deaths, no disease, real science, etc.

To smile is to Demand Less of others and focus on understanding others more, to smile is to Go with the Flow of Grace more, to Balance oneself (most of us are too yang on this planet, due to culture and this makes real telepathy hard to master), To Listen More (Prayer is two way Relationship, both talking and listening), to witness compassionately more, to be silent more often (silence is often leading to the best listening skills and acts as a healing wave for others to vent on and heal), to be more of an ocean of Tao "the sage teaches without words" as Lao Tze says - "Those who know the most talk the least" Bible, etc.

Smiling is not like some fancy meditation or astral travel technique that requires a lot of training or time, or quiet time alone, etc to master, it's something we all know how to do from the womb (babies smile in the womb), it's just difficult to change our habits of "not smiling that much" often times even because it SEEMS easier to "follow the negative depressed pessimistic "world peace is fiction, etc" crowd than to be the positive smiley oneself". Do we want to bring kindness, healing, peace, joy, smiles in the world, or do we want to bring meanness, trauma, war, sadness, frowns in the world? In the Life Review on the other side, what will be our answer about what we brought in the world overall, when all days add up? What we choose to see in others we bring out in them more of, so Smiling is Seeing the BEST VERSION OF ALL, it's BLESSING all regardless of their actions and thoughts, it's basically being a HEALER that lifts others up to dream, imagine and hope to embody their Best Version. This is a simple question of whether we want to bring smiles or frowns in the world and we rarely make the connection between Smiling and what far reaching effect Smiling has when it is genuine and full of good noble intent. Does smiling enhance or hinder our goals to bring peace, healing, trust, joy in the world? I know there are infinite ways to answer this, but anyway - just sharing some perceptions and opinions.

Smiling is one of the easiest habits to acquire and embrace even if before we have not smiled before much, being always the serious person, full of stress hormones, cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline - chemicals that are very bad not only for longevity, but even for correctly filtering telepathic guidance. Like with learning to play chess or ride a bike, it will take a few weeks at least to be really good at smiling much more often. As long as we try our best to make each day better than the previous one, smiling wise, that's progress. A smile can affect many people's consciousness and thru that indirectly prevent a war, or lead to someone trusting in themselves, their telepathy and making a discovery that helps improve significantly our life on Earth, so burdened by our bodies and lack of awareness.

One might be able to become invisible partially theoretically, since the zero point field has infinite energy. The movement of the eyes as they benevolently and smilingly relax the gaze to the universally gentle kindness for all beings look - can be a trigger for shifting and concentrating astral rays of healing. It can be done even while we relax or meditate with eyes open or closed, it can allow better remote viewing of Spirit Images via Telepathy too (as long as intent is noble and world peace enhancing), since RV is telepathy assisted by Spirits for humanitarian purposes. There is nothing hidden from the intelligent intent reading zero point energy field, so as we shift more into it, we become slightly more telepathic. Non-local, wormholes in the eyes, staring at the light of universal mercy-forgiveness-compassion, transducing the matter into another world, as a poem of translation. As the belly, facial and eye muscles are moving and shifting, as it were, they are swimming in the ocean of everlasting grace, light and compassion of God or zero point energy. :) And it's like a gel made of the sweetest softness that brushes against these muscles, as the translation advances. To smile silently, one cannot speak, and not speaking makes it easier to be HYPER-AWARE, OBSERVE, LISTEN to TELEPATHY from Spirits and to Radiate healing peaceful vibes. :)

When we smile what we do, even while sitting on a chair talking to someone, is shifting the position of the mouth muscles slightly, as we do for our legs when we walk in that related telepathy habit # 9 above. If we recall the habit of telepathy # 9 is to walk and move as if we are shifting into another world, slowly. If we are in a situation where such walking is not feasible, we can practice the shifting of dimensions thru the gentle movement of our belly as we breath and the gentle soft tender movement of our mouth as we recall to benevolently smile and bless all around us with the infinite optimism in the best in all. What this Awareness connected to Physical Movement does is create an ever slightly closer connection with the zero point energy field ultimately (and ESP), as we shift spatial awareness (time-space-consciousness web) using biological movement processes to guide the intent of connecting with the boundless kindness field. The movement of the eyes as they relax the gaze to the universally gentle kindness for all beings one - can be a trigger for shifting and concentrating astral rays of healing and for different states of consciousness.

The Scientific Studies Relating Smiling and Telepathy, Relationships, Trust, World Harmony and Peace

Smiling people are trusted more, enhancing the Evolutive or Evolving Telepathy -https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/euMc4azzaoN - of smiling people who have to put less effort to over explain themselves verbally and, in doing so, to filter out noise and negativity from planetary average consciousness, quantum fluctuations based on energy events at the local level and nearby immature spirits ►http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11850635/ -- Nat Neurosci. 2002 Mar;5(3):277-83.

Seeing a Smiling Person makes people happier and aids them in their own evolving Telepathy -https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/euMc4azzaoN - , as higher quality Telepathy depends on filtering out negative emotions and other forms of noise. This means that people connect more with their Evolved Spirit Guides which give them better ideas on how to go forward in the Relationship with the Smiling person, for the purposes of Harmony or even World or Local peace, reinforcing the idea of Smiling people have better relationships ►https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/07/080707081852.htm (there are other studies too likehttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11709163 -- Neuron. 2001 Nov 8;32(3):537-51 - smiling faces lit up the orbitofrontal cortex reward center of the brain)

Smiling faces are remembered more, placing smiling people at a strategic advantage and this may be why relationship success is higher for the smiling people - the brains of others simply record better what we said and understand us better - leading to more harmony ►http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2517599/- free full paper - Neuropsychologia. 2008; 46(9): 2310–2319.

Familiar faces who smile are remembered more also, not just strangers' faces who smile ►http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15222388/ -- Perception. 2004;33(4):399-408.

Strangers with smiling faces were more likely to be labeled as familiar, than strangers with neutral faces, indicating that the seeing of a SMILE causes the brain to judge that person as FAMILIAR, part of the people one knows (or trusts as shown in the other studies) ►http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11045237/ -- Memory. 2000 Sep;8(5):285-92.

Smiling faces are more ATTRACTIVE and KINDER in the perception of others, giving smiling people a huge advantage in Telepathic Evolution as It helps both their and others' brains to filter out noise better - as Kindness cancels out noise and when a person interacts with a Smiley person, they therefore Hear their "guardian angels" or "evolved spirit guides" Evolutive Telepathy -https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/euMc4azzaoN - much clearer, making wiser relationship decisions. People are more likely to stare at Smiling Persons and listen to them when they speak or are around, to learn from them, understand them and harmonize with them. ►http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8823879/ -- Percept Mot Skills. 1996 Jun;82(3 Pt 2):1111-21.

A BIT OF SCIENCE RELATING SMILING, Helping Others Effectiveness AND individual LONGEVITY:

1. Studies show that those who have a positive view of others (who trust others more) and who have a positive view of the future live longer ►http://www.reuters.com/article/2009/03/05/us-optimist-health-idUSTRE5247NO20090305. Optimism is acommon trait of centenarians and optimists always outlive the rest ►http://www.healyourlife.com/article-detail/why-optimists-live-longer.

2. Smile width and frequency predicts health and longevity - according to a recent Wayne State University Study ►http://articles.latimes.com/2010/mar/29/health/la-he-capsule-20100329. The LA Times article says "People who smile a lot are usually happier, have more stable personalities, more stable marriages, better cognitive skills and better interpersonal skills, according to research. Science has just uncovered another benefit of a happy face. People who have big smiles live longer."

3. For more studies linking smiling to a 10-15% longer lifespan, see the TED 7 min talk at ►http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9cGdRNMdQQ. :).It is better to start smiling for the sake of personal health, healing and helping others, promoting harmony at home and at work or stores where you buy things, for promoting human longevity and even World Peace. Smiling is a way to reduce tension and be kind to others too, not just oneself. :) Here is an actual study showing smiley people live longer ►http://pss.sagepub.com/content/early/2010/02/26/0956797610363775.extract.

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyMHt1Gw5rE is a 3 minute video with a few more studies about smiling. If you say jeez or other similar words, it helps you smile. :) lol. To smile is a little like saying we are happy to serve other human beings, perhaps a good way to train oneself to always radiate good vibes towards all living beings with a bit of universal loving smiley kindness.

Some RELATIVE TRUTHS we forget today, as we get ungrateful for the toil of endless generations before us and forget to smile as one filled with gratitude would ► There are so many reasons to be happy, even if life is not perfect. If you think about it, we are blessed with so many comforts, that kings didn't have 200 years ago. Before, we could be eaten by lions and animals a lot easier, it happens every year rarely even in the industrialized civilized world in parks, and a lot more often in some remote villages of the developing world still. We can go from Beijing to Los Angeles in hours, we have showers, warm water, air conditioning, all kinds of foods easily available from many continents at the supermarket, internet as a free library at fingertips with millions of times more books and information than any library from 200 years ago, we have cars that are way faster and more comfortable than chariots or even horses. We can study and find information on any topic a lot easier, without needing to be near a gigantic physical library, etc. All these things we take for granted, but even the wealthiest kings didn't have them, and now people who are considered "poor" live better and have a higher standard of living at times than kings (they used to live in what we would term shacks now) of past ages due to modern conveniences.:)

11. Honesty (no lies) enhances telepathy, since lies create fear of someone finding out the lie and fear is blocking precise telepathy. Lies thus distort the harmony of our astral fields (the higher dimensional heart geometry perhaps as alluded athttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/ByoVfh7S9yF) and make our coupling and learning from evolved spirits about telepathy much harder. Fear repels universal loving kindness and good ESP. Without universal loving kindness one cannot connect with the zero point energy field either. Fear and universal kindness cannot co-exist. Like attracts like, so we cannot couple well with honest spirits and learn and the spirits find it repulsive when we lie too and refuse to help us. 100 honest words are often more impactful and valuable than 100000 words of lies mixed with truth. Praising others and seeing the best in them in the light of the fact one can choose to see the best in others or the worst, is not a lie though. Honesty leads to better health, better Telepathy, more inner peace and longevity. Telling lies creates inner tension, extra worry, stress and releases aging stress hormones each time worry appears or a lie is found by others. Lies lead to mistrust, paranoia, misunderstanding and even conflict and world wars. The foundation of good telepathy is tremendous tranquility, which is impossible when one is playing games and lies a lot. One doesn't have to tell others everything one knows, and can be honest about the fact everything one knows is a hypothesis or belief or opinion and that everything SEEMS TO BE this or that way, but to intentionally lie to others creates the foundation for conflict and an increase in telepathic interference from immature spirits seeking conflict (and war), since Truth is found out sooner or later, even if centuries, weeks, years or decades later. :) ♥

Lies are of many types and shades and one of the most common ones, many people engage at least very rarely in, is faking negative or threatening behavior (parent threatening a kid for example with some punishment that one never intends to actually do in real life) that others may take as real. Some even do it as part of jokes and sarcasm, but it often leads to distortions in the astral fields of others who don't take it as a joke. This not only creates a chasm between people, but also when spirit guides see the net results, they get exasperated with the people using lies and refuse to help the liars to develop good telepathy. These lies create negative mental content and emotions in some people and it astrally doesn't look nice to spirit guides to harm unintentionally other people, even if it's very few people. So, that's another reason, besides the deep subconscious fear that "someone will find my lie", why lies block good ESP. At least that's one hypothesis, one can actually try to test and explore.

The beauty of honesty is that it allows a deeper translinguistic understanding of people - enabling the gentlest nurturing of anyone who crosses our path towards a more benevolent soft gentle tender concern for all living human beings and a much brighter future for us all. :) Honesty is kindness and kindness accesses the zero point energy field. The meaner and more dishonest a person is, the further one moves from the universal kindness for all consciousness - people, plants and animals - and the harder it is to get precise telepathy from evolved peace bringing spirits.

A survey found that women lied twice as much as men ►https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jun/05/women-lie-untruths-humanwhich contradicts other surveys that say the exact opposite ►http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1213171/Men-lie-times-day-twice-women-study-finds.html, so truth may be neither lies more. These surveys are very inexact, since they don't objectively assess how many lies people said - but rely on people's self-assessment. The more we lie, the lower the Telepathy precision and the more we move away from receiving help from more mature spirits* :)

A University of Massachusetts study found that 60% of the study participants said 2.92 lies within 10 minutes of conversation. Some have become so used to small lies and distortions, that it is a total reflex and second nature, and it becomes very difficult to develop telepathy, impossible to develop precise telepathy (very little help from spirits) when one is a habitual liar, since spirits will get upset the information was not conveyed properly for example and with the typical embellishments and ego building (image others perceive of oneself perfecting) show offs, or because it irritates others emotionally, leads to tension and conflict in human relationships, world wars included, causes emotional or psychological suffering, when they found out about the lie or when others are hurt in real time by the sarcasm and jokes of a habitual liar who has lost a lot of empathetic ability- and no telepathy is complete without empathy - emotions tell far more information than normally thought of - linking emotion to telepathic or verbal statements one can weigh how much that person or spirit values that statement, etc. ►http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2002-06/uoma-urf061002.php

Honesty also means honesty with oneself, not just others. To be honest with oneself is to admit that everything one believes about a person, thing, idea, concept or law of nature is one possible interpretation (a mere hypothesis that may be close or not that close to the Truth, the infinitely complex truth about any one person, thing or concept that is impossible to define in any human language) among trillions of possible interpretations of the data related to that person, thing, idea, concept or law of nature. :) This admission that everything we "know" is a hypothesis opens the gateway to "No Assumptions about others", as explained athttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/85VBxcEvd3W, no assumptions about the goodness inside others not existing, no assumptions about answers to many questions one may have about any topic. One big assumption some people make is that these telepathy habits are all useless and a waste of time, but they may actually be very useful in developing a world of peace and true science and technology, of inter-dimensional nature. Another big assumption is that honesty (and being sweet tender gentle soft) is not working to achieve certain ends and lies and force must be used. We could entertain the hypothesis that dishonesty creates fear (of our lies being found out) in our psyche on some level, as we always live with the lies in our subconscious, and it contracts our subtle energy field in a given dimension, distorts the higher dimensional Heart geometry (see the full explanation of why lies lead to fear and blocking true levitation at ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/ByoVfh7S9yF) essential to higher expressions of telepathy mentioned above (obe, teleportation, element conversion, etc) and even really precise telepathy - i mean mind blowing telepathy. When the mother is pregnant for example and her higher dimensional heart geometry is off, she cannot take full advantage if an older soul with more harmonic higher dimensional heart geometry is incarnating, and misses a big opportunity to become psychic and telepathic to a greater degree herself, by virtue of her not living this Telepathy habit deeper and more often. Same for Dad too, but mother is affected a LOT more and her opportunity to rapidly increase ESP is much greater IF an older soul incarnates as her baby. :)

When we arrive from Heaven to the human baby body, our higher dimensional heart geometry is more harmonic - that's one way to look at reality, among trillions of ways. As we live in this world, we go from 400 smiles a day as baby to 20 smiles a day (this was measured in several studies), and from heart coherence (some parameter we can conceive of, not measured by science so far) 400 to heart coherence 20, so to speak. That's why many women become more psychic when they have a baby who happens to be even just normal or semi-psychic, because his heart coherence of 400 is pushing hers by entrainment higher than the usually 20-40 for adults and she becomes more psychic even if the baby is not that psychic sometimes. babies are attuned to the spirit world a lot more, to the astral world. Over time, the brainwashing starts, the ways of endless lies set in and heart harmonics is shut off gradually more and more. So, this may be why the hypothesis that when an "older soul" (if you define that as someone who is very spiritually aware, or something of that sort, nobody really knows probably what an "older soul" phrase means, since it's used with trillions of meanings) incarnates, it's an opportunity to move heart coherence higher, so ESP develops more. But anyway, this is just a theory. Just like 4 billion trillion other theories. Nobody knows if it's true perhaps. 1% of it may be true. There is no data on what enhances this entrainment, but one possible hypothesis or speculation if you will, is that honesty enhances this entrainment of higher dimensional hearts - just as in human relationships honesty usually makes better harmony.

12. Celibacy (i.e. sex for pro-creation only) also helps to transmute sexual energies and body resources used in fluid production towards the renewal of the body, optimal emotional self-control, higher serenity, better ESP and telepathy, more meditation, more universal kindness instead of lust, less mental energy spent when seeing a "hot" person, since we are already aware of the advantages, etc.

13. Speaking (regardless if whisper or sweet voice or normal tone) moderately or less - since talking too much takes the energy in the outer world too much - with little time left to evolve our telepathy as explained in the Evolutive Telepathy post ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/7QydADV5uTZ. It's the idea of that Abraham Lincoln quote "Better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt". It's also the shift of energy from crown (top of the head) to the throat chakra, even when whispering. It's harder to maintain a state of smiley sheer ecstatic joy (and to send love to others as in remote telepathic healing ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/VSPgCvpwDvH) when talking, especially idle talking that adds little to a discussion that people didn't know already and repeats old ideas. If we talk and shift vibration into hurtful sarcastic jokes, we shift away from evolutive telepathy. While something may seem a joke to us, it may offend other people or even upset them slightly. Then it will be harder to distinguish between spirits and their energies and telepathic patterns and our telepathy becomes jammed. Speaking less enables us to practice sending silently love-healing-kindness-peace waves more, and this helps us too, as it shifts our energy towards compassion and away from showing off by speaking. True kindness needs no words, the best leaders are unknown to those they lead (as they act without unnecessary speech), as Lao Tze explained. The second best leaders are loved by all.

TELEPORTATION and Telekinesis of small objectshttps://plus.google.com/u/0/+AlexP/posts/GBXaKJd7FzH and

Pansini Boys Teleportation ►https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AlexP/posts/jRKefyFBuoT

Telekinesis and Levitation of the human body (Joseph Cupertino and others) ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/LP8U7zAemKJ

Teleportation of Jacob Mutton ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/KiQ1MFUTTHp

Teleportation is a form of Telepathy, as explained above. One way to conceptualize the practice of Teleportation, as described in some books (see below), is to realize some things about the galaxy. In its movement around Milky Way that takes a galactic year, the solar system has a speed of 483,000 miles per hour (somewhere around half a million the exact number varies depending on who you ask), so at any given moment we sit or walk, we are moving at that speed. This helps with the visualization of teleportation that some people have a hard time to conceptualize after reading books like "Teleportation". The shifting into another dimension can also be quick and you can leave a copy of yourself at original point, at least in spirit form - and nobody knows you teleported, but it's possible to make copies of oneself too, physical copies, if one is super-advanced. :).

In its movement around some bigger universal structure, our local area of the universe is moving at a much greater speed than 500000 miles per hour, in a cycle that takes billions of years. So, we are always moving at an unbelievable speed.

The galactic year is 225 to 250 million terrestrial years (circling around the center of Milky Way) ►https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galactic_year

Teleportation!: A Practical Guide for the Metaphysical Traveler ► http://www.amazon.com/Teleportation-Practical-Guide-Metaphysical-Traveler/dp/1884695426/

14. Trying hard to prove to yourself and others that Telepathy is real. THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO PROVE TELEPATHY IS REAL TO YOURSELF:

Random number, color or message experiment with a friend or relative ► just ask your friend to be receptive and send him some words and have him figure out what it was. You may have to repeat the word many times (more than 2 minutes, for newbies, it may need 10-30 minutes even) before he can tell you what you TELEPATHIZED to him (you can do it in the same room or over the phone, but both need to be very relaxed). You can also do it within a 24 hour span, with his permission of course, and then he has to guess the hour it was sent and what the message was. There are many ways to do it.

Color Experiment to prove Telepathy to Yourself:https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AlexP/posts/eE7QCZXGDS2 (this is proof for a more subtle form of telepathy, one between you and spirit guides - not between 2 living people)

Number Experiment to prove Telepathy to Yourself: ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/4o2os7XMfm9(this is proof for a more subtle form of telepathy, one between you and spirit guides - not between 2 living people)

Note - these experiments take time to accomplish, you cannot just in a normal state guess the numbers in 1 minute, you need to enter a state of union with the unified field of infinite compassion ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/4DvZ8XPFBSm. Some can do it in 2 minutes, others (most) take much longer. You need to be totally certain this is the number/color when you made the choice and have confidence in your perceptions and why it is that choice.

15. Reading about TELEPATHY CASES also enhances telepathy:


Precognition related Telepathy (see studies proving precognition is real) ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/FpcTzZ6hgqo


Pre-conception and pre-birth Telepathy ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/CKvcTre8AKP

Daughter reads mind of her mom exactly ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/ctweXzdhmUP

Telepathic boy who can also read in 7 languages► https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/RQ3F4vs91xf

Padre Pio mind reading cases (very long post) ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/5Xmhf9jKMcc

Maria Dominica Lazzeri telepathy, teleportation, living without eating ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/FoaBTVL2z52

Mary Fancher - reading sealed letters with fingers and living without eating (a form of telepathy) ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/2vwnSSe3uqe


Spirits use Books and Telekinesis to confirm Telepathy ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/Ch6ybNewfLp

Spirit Telepathy that Opens Books at Right Places► https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/hofNAg2sTBT

Spirits use online searches to confirm Telepathyhttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/YehXCcFs3Lz

Spirits use falling flowers to confirm Telepathy ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/crcLgNceyeL

Spirits use discovering a newly bloomed flower to confirm Telepathy ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/cCDv5sHep4d

Spirit or human-insect telepathy? ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/ecivVc7hTRJ

Spirit Trans-linguistic Telepathy in the shower? ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/hzU44FGeMWq


human-leopard telepathy ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/MN9youtKADx

human-plant telepathy ►

human-bird telepathy ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/XJp99UJCYfP

human-dog telepathy ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/3iqfhbt1B3h

human-parrot telepathy ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/XJp99UJCYfP

human-pet telepathy ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/MsJ3DUjpGKM

Ronald van de Peppel talks to a German Shepherd puppy and gets him to be quiet while owner goes to work ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/HaCkaeZUaaf

Vegetarian Ineke Brinkmann explains a dog that the strangers who came to renovate the house were invited by owner and owner was not nervous because of them, and he stops biting the renovation workers right away ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/h4phwdYUzah

Vegan Billie Dean was able to telepathically perceive and feel the suffering of animals since a kid and has 7 vegan dogs. She predicts we will all be vegan and then breatharian. ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/bS3GjVaJXVo

Vegan Dexter Del Monte uses telepathy to help locate a missing dog and helps a cat to stop urinating ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/4W9X33nh1Ux

Vegetarian Madeleine Walker sees past life of a dog, his previous breed and appearance and confirms it ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/BR2qWLQrhFX

Vegan Sharon Callahan is an animal communicator who had an NDE to animal spirit world and was shown how to prepare flower essences to heal animals and people ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/d7SnxjqJpKM

Pea Horsley asked a fly to go around the parasol and land on her hand 3 times and the fly did that. She also got exact location of a lost dog by looking at his picture, enabling owner to rescue the dog. ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/176KjkWwZYb

Also, what apparently helps develop verbal and non-verbal telepathy is practicing sensory data transfer and conversion between brain cortexes, astral travel cortex, telepathy cortex, visual cortex, audio, etc in the sense of strengthening trans-linguistic telepathy processing by interpreting information in visual-audio-conceptual form interchangeably more as in the post athttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/HDaL4jcePWW. Another thing that helps with trans-linguistic telepathy is the smell fasting method, as explained at ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/KjRMSeJ973t

16. The ideal is to Praise All and criticize none. If nothing good to say, we can be silent and silently pray for or envelop in peaceful healing energies or bless the person that "seems bad". Any bad thought or word makes Telepathy of subtler nature harder and it just makes us less happy anyway. Criticizing oneself is fine, but not anyone else. :) Forgiveness never criticizes anyone. The self alone is to blame for anything one perceives as "bad" in the world. "Bad" is someone's learning journey in this school and it's pointless to label people or judge them, because only advanced spirits and God know what lessons each soul came to learn in the physical universe. Whatever people do is their choice, only higher powers know the soul intent which is often unknown to the conscious mind. A very nice soul may choose to be bad briefly for a few years for a higher purpose (healing others, reforming something, etc) unknown to all. Everything we think and speak influences the person we think/speak about a tiny tiny bit, even if a trillionth of what they are influenced when they think themselves. So if we want the best timeline for every human being, the best World Peace timeline, we need to overcome the bad habit of criticizing others. :) I know, it's almost impossible, as everyone does it almost at least once a year. :) The main person affected by useless criticism is the person criticizing usually, wasting their mental energy, when they could do something more productive for humanity. :) Nobody changes because of our words. As we change, the world changes, since we are all connected on the subtler astral levels. :) No need to try change others by criticizing them. And once again, the gentle walking is a great aid in avoiding slipping back into the worldly criticizing self. lol. ☻♥ A good mantra or saying to recall sometimes when we are tempted to criticize others is "Everyone is an Angelic Shimmering Immortal Lightbeing, except me who has so many faults. Everyone is a Perfect Spiritual Teacher in disguise, an Avatar of Soul Immortality, except me, the eternal student. Nobody is bad or Macho, except me. I don't know others, only GOD does, so therefore, assuming they are saints is a humble good step that keeps the ego in check. :)"

17. Evolutive or Evolving Telepathy and Evolutive or Evolving (meaning eternally improving) Speech or Writing. ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/euMc4azzaoNhas more details. It is much better for developing telepathy with the more evolved spirits (who are less linguistic and more conceptual) to avoid using negative words... see the long explanation at the link above.

18. Lowering Noise Levels - i.e. playing music at low volume or closing the window if traffic noise is heard, promoting low volume music, low volume concerts, spending time in silence. Music above 100 db is safe for 15 minutes only and has bad effects on telepathy and physical hearing ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/6UaE4ZWYCsR. The effect of music and sound is explained more athttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/TdBh6xH7yLs. The benefits of a quiet environment are explained in dozens of studies like ►http://www.lifehack.org/377243/science-says-silence-much-more-important-our-brains-than-thought. Loud noise can even cause heart attacks when it is chronic ►http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/1112643605/exposure-to-traffic-noise-leads-to-higher-heart-attack-risk/. Hence, supporting electric cars is good for telepathy, as they are quieter ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/DNpT9MaiVYj. Those supporting more silent technologies and lower volume concerts, etc will get more help from the evolved spirits in the afterlife.

The ultra destructive effect of loud concert sound on the brain and the organs is detailed athttp://www.omnisonic.com/bbillings.html.

19. Avoiding rock and upbeat music headbanging, even if normal sound level ► Headbanging is asure way to diminish brain health, kill brain cells and lower telepathy performance - even to cause strokes and permanent brain damage like some musicians inflicted on themselves. ►http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2008/dec/22/headbanging-rock-music

"We identified a definite risk of mild traumatic brain injury from headbanging," Dr Andrew McIntosh, of the University of New South Wales (UNSW). "We would suggest a proper public health warning, as for smoking." ► British Medical Journal free full paper► http://www.bmj.com/content/337/bmj.a2825. Theaverage heavy metal song, with a tempo of 146 bpm, is likely to cause mild injury if the head's range of motion is greater than 75 degrees. Songs with 180 bpm can cause strokes that damage the person for their whole life, as has happened to many musicians. The Tao Te Ching explains that the gentle lives long and endures, while the hard dies faster due to the violence and forcefulness that is inflexible, unyielding. ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/iMcLtpLnPdf.

20. Getting enough sleep each day ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/RRKK5Wf4ayj. See also http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/losing-sleep-can-lead-brain-damage-scientists-warn/. University of Pennsylvania researchers found that getting enough sleep each day (some people need 6, others need 9 or more , especially younger people) is a good way to prevent brain cell death and permanent brain damage. Naturally, this means it is a good way to enhance the best telepathy performance, which is dependent on brain performance. ► FREE 2014 FULL PAPER IN THE JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE► http://www.jneurosci.org/content/34/12/4418.full

Telepathy is dependent on serenity and loving kindness, on order and low chaos. When our sleep habits are very chaotic, even if we get say 8 hours of sleep daily, it can diminish brain performance and telepathy performance too. Hence the old adage of "getting more regular going to bed hours, more even amounts of sleep daily, having a regular sleep schedule is better", seems now to be confirmed by science.
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