Is this ancient, bag-like sea
creature our earliest ancestor?
By Ashley Strickland, CNN
Updated 1925 GMT
(0325 HKT) January 30, 2017
An artist's rendering of Saccorhytus coronarius, perhaps our earliest
Story highlights
Saccorhytus was
a tiny, bag-like sea creature that lived 540 million years ago
Biologically, it
could be the earliest prehistoric ancestor of humans
found in China have revealed what could be our earliest known ancestor on the
tree of life, researchers say. But don't go looking for a resemblance.
Saccorhytus, which looks a little like the "chestburster" from
"Alien," was a tiny, bag-like sea creature that lived 540 million
years ago.
With a scientific name describing the shape of its
body and wrinkled appearance, this millimeter-long creature wriggled around in
the mud and lived between grains of sand on the seabed, according to a study
published Monday in the journal Nature. Though the fossils were found on dry land, half a billion years ago, the
creature's location would have been a shallow sea.
Biologically, Saccorhytus belongs to a broad category
of creatures called deuterostomes. Half a billion years ago, they began to
rapidly evolve into diverse branches, including vertebrates such as humans as
well as sea squirts, starfish, sea urchins and acorn worms.

Deuterostomes are the common ancestor of many species,
creating a pathway of evolution that would lead to humans millions of years
later, according to the study. But with such diversity stemming from one
branch, researchers initially found it hard to imagine what the origins would
have looked like. Saccorhytus provides that answer, but it wasn't easy to
In search of this answer, researchers from the
University of Cambridge in England and Northwest University in China went
through 3 tons of limestone just to find samples of tiny black specks in the
rock. Under the microscope, a more detailed image of this creature
It had an elliptical body with bilateral symmetry,
evidence of musculature and a thin yet flexible skin. But the most defining
feature is the incredibly large mouth that could grow in size, capable of
taking in food particles and larger prey. Although Saccorhytus lacked an anus,
eight cone-like structures around the body appear to be primitive gills that
could remove excess water. Unfortunately, anything larger would have come back
out through the mouth, the researchers said.
For scientists, a finding like Saccorhytus brings up
the mismatch between fossil evidence and the idea of the molecular clock.
"Molecular clocks suggest the origination of the
main groups of animals significantly predated what the fossil record would
indicate," said Simon Conway Morris, fellow of St. John's College at the
University of Cambridge and one of the study authors. "One possibility is
that the earliest animals were very small and, in normal circumstances of
fossilization, very unlikely to survive. In this way, Saccorhytus might give us
a glimpse of a long and cryptic history."
Reconstructing the 'tree of
Tom Harvey, a lecturer in geoscience at the University
of Leicester, says tiny fossils such as Saccorhytus "provide a glimpse
into a microscopic world that we rarely get to see." His discovery of a
complete loriciferan fossil was also published Monday in the journal Nature Ecology and
Evolution. He did not participate in
the Saccorhytus study.
Harvey's discovery of the loriciferan fossil came as a
complete surprise while he was studying fossilized crustaceans. Although other
similar fossils had been found, they were lacking heads or other features that
directly connected their identity, he said.
Scientists from universities of Leicester and
Cambridge recently found an "unfossilizable" loriciferan.
Although they were also about a millimeter in size and
lived between sand particles on the sea bed, loriciferans are more related to
arthropods like insects and shrimp than to Saccorhytus, and they are still
alive today. Saccorhytus has no modern-day living counterpart.

Both were part of the Cambrian "explosion,"
the sudden appearance of a wide variety of animal life in the fossil record
half a billion years ago and an important turning point in the evolution of
life on Earth, Harvey said.
"They help us to reconstruct the 'tree of life,'
the series of branching events in animal evolution," Harvey said.
"But aside from that, they reveal that soon after the origin of animals in
the late Precambrian, some groups of animals were already adapting to the
'extreme' lifestyle of living between grains of sand on the seabed, possibly as
protection from being eaten by bigger animals."
Join the conversation
Modern-day loriciferans haven't evolved much. They can
still be found in their tiny ecosystem within beach sand or sea sediment. And
loriciferans don't belong to "our" part of the tree of life.
The researchers "do point out that Saccorhytus
belongs to the same 'branch' of the tree of life as humans -- so could be seen
as one of our early human ancestors!" Harvey said. "Funny to think,
but in half a billion years, a lot of evolutionary changes can take
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